Many Bible stories speak to me differently, but one speaks to me personally.
It’s the story of David and Mephibosheth in the Bible.
This incredible story reminds us of God's love for each one of us. I desire that after you read this blog, you will feel the warmness of God’s presence, reminding you that he has accepted you.
Mephibosheth in the Bible: His Amazing Story
King David has now taken the throne and desires to find someone to be good to from the house of Saul.
David keeps this act of goodness because of his promise to Jonathon (see 1 Samuel 20:14-17).
His servants let him know that there is still someone left of the house of Saul—Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth.
David requests that they bring Mephibosheth to him. During this encounter, the scripture gives an exciting insight into how Mephibosheth spent his days with King David.
2 Samuel 9:13 ESV
So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate always at the king’s table. Now he was lame in both his feet.
Mephibosheth spent his days eating at the king's table, but the scriptures tell us he was lame in both feet.
This happened during his childhood when the nurse who cared for him dropped him. Now that Mephibosheth is in a place of honor and acceptance, the scripture still lets us know of his condition.
I believe there’s a reason for this. David is a picture of Jesus Christ; you and I are Mephibosheth.
God, through Jesus Christ, invites us to the table of communion and relationship with him, and when he calls us, he brings us with our brokenness, letting us know that He sees it and still accepts us.
I’m sure there is something we are all ashamed of. There is an old saying: “We all have
skeletons in our closet.”
We all have brokenness in our past, either because of our decisions or because maybe someone truly hurt us, and we have never been able to move past it.
We feel unworthy to be called or used by God because of our past.
But I’ll give you my story…
I was born with a condition called cerebral palsy. I’m in a wheelchair, and my hands do
not work well.
My “brokenness” is evident to the human eye. But there was a day in high school when God found me and started using my voice to share the good news of the gospel.
Even though I’ve been blessed to be used for his glory, in the back of my mind, I was always conscious of my disability and the way my hands worked.
I’ll be honest and let you know that I don’t like watching videos of myself because of how my hands work.
I wondered earlier on why God would pick me when I have a disability.
You see, friends, we usually are the ones who hinder ourselves from going forward, and
saying yes to God because we spend so much time looking at our shortcomings and failures.
We feel disqualified and not worthy of God’s love.
Yet, just like Mephibosheth, God sees us right where we are in our failures, sin, and addictions, but he still calls us to the table because he longs to be good to us.
I will go a step further and say under the new covenant, God makes us brand new, which means we are no longer in our failures and sins but new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
So today, bring all your shortcomings and mistakes to God because he is calling you unto himself so that he can be good to you no matter how broken you may be.
And in the process, he will make all things new!
Will you let him do that today?